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Articles of Agreement

The pirate code, also known as the articles of agreement, are a code of conduct for pirate crews modeled after the code of conduct of merchant ships.
After signing, an oath is taken, ideally on a holy book but lacking that pirates are known to swear on weapons, skulls, or whatever else they deem suitable.
They're posted outside the captain's door. The code varies by captain and sometimes from voyage to voyage.
It includes the rules, disciplanary action for violations, the share of the treasure each man is entitled to, and compensation for injury.
Signing entitles men to voting on officers, punishments, and other important matters and entitles them to a share in the treasure.
Sometimes crew captured from other ships are threatened or tortured into signing the article.
Upon imminent capture, pirate captains typically destroy the articles to avoid prevent their use against the crew during trial.

Rule Examples

No Women or boys allowed on ship (often punishable by death)
No gambling
Keep weapons clean and ready for use
No desertion or even talk of desertion
No fighting onboard; dueling must happen on land
No stealing from others on the ship
No drunkeness
Anyone who finds treasure must report it to the Quartermaster
No assaulting women
No smoking in the hold (because of gunpowder)
No playing with guns in the hold (see above)

Punishments for Violations

Denial of rations
Cleaning, ship maintenance, and other unpleasant but necessary duties
Whippings, beatings, or floggings

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