Common Features
portico facades with arches and columns
Geometric patterns
Construction Materials
Cut stone
Mosaic tiles
Types of buildings
Külliye A type of community center built on a hill. Services include religious worship and instruction, shelters for the poor, hospitals, bathhouses, education, public kitchens, lodgings for travelers, veterinarians, food and shelter for animals, bakeries, asylums, and a mausoleum as well as a massive number of staff. Coffee shops Serve coffee but not meals. Men of all classes gather to debate politics, philosophize, and to have the news read to them by a professional reader.Carivansaries Regular hotels along major trade routes with an inner courtyard, stables, and shops to replenish supplies - or to sell wares to.
Bathhouses Public meeting spaces segregated by sex. Patrons are washed with soap by staff of the same sex as themselves and then rinse themselves under running water. Hypocausts circulate hot air through the steam room. Lower walls are marble, the interior of the domes are stucco carved with designs
Typical Home
Single storyStone foundation
Ground floor
Narrow windows
Central multipurpose room
Slightly better off
CourtyardUpper floors overlooking the street
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